Did you know that residents of Central Ohio send one million pounds of food waste to the landfill PER DAY? When food decomposes in a compacted landfill, it produces methane gas, which is 30 times more potent than carbon dioxide in its global warming potential. Across the US, the greenhouse gases produced by food waste are equivalent to 37 million passenger cars annually. At Sustainable Grandview, to combat the problems associated with food waste, we aim to 1) reduce food waste as much as possible, and 2) divert all remaining food waste from the landfill via composting.
Even if you reduce your food waste as much as possible, you'll still have scraps that you'll want to keep out of the landfill. Backyard composting is a great option, although certain food products can't be included because they attract animals (meat, dairy, etc.). Fortunately, we have several great options for handling our food waste:
Compost Drop-off at 1525 Goodale Blvd.
Spearheaded by the wonderful folks at Compost Clubhouse (formerly Kids That Compost) (compostclubhouse.com), and supported by a grant from the Solid Waste Authority of Central Ohio (SWACO), the City of Grandview Heights has a convenient food waste drop-off site. See a map of the site below, from the City's website. For more information, please check out this link: https://www.grandviewheights.gov/308/Food-Waste
Even if you reduce your food waste as much as possible, you'll still have scraps that you'll want to keep out of the landfill. Backyard composting is a great option, although certain food products can't be included because they attract animals (meat, dairy, etc.). Fortunately, we have several great options for handling our food waste:
Compost Drop-off at 1525 Goodale Blvd.
Spearheaded by the wonderful folks at Compost Clubhouse (formerly Kids That Compost) (compostclubhouse.com), and supported by a grant from the Solid Waste Authority of Central Ohio (SWACO), the City of Grandview Heights has a convenient food waste drop-off site. See a map of the site below, from the City's website. For more information, please check out this link: https://www.grandviewheights.gov/308/Food-Waste
Curbside Composting with The Compost Exchange. Too busy to drop off your food waste? For a small fee, you can have a service come pick it up from your house once per week. Sustainable Grandview has partnered with The Compost Exchange for a reduced rate on this service of $9/month. There are currently over 200 neighbors enrolled in the service, and the rate will decrease further for everyone as we enroll more people! You've probably seen their yellow bins in front of people's houses every Wednesday. The Compost Exchange provides a 5-gallon bin and liner bags, making the process super convenient. We occasionally promote free pilot programs so that you can try out the service and see if you like it. To sign up, please visit:
And see our video from 2020 with tips for using the service:
More Resources on Food Waste
Here are some great educational resources from SWACO: https://savemorethanfood.org
And here is a wonderful documentary film on food waste, Wasted, The Story of Food Waste, from the late chef Anthony Bourdain:
Here are some great educational resources from SWACO: https://savemorethanfood.org
And here is a wonderful documentary film on food waste, Wasted, The Story of Food Waste, from the late chef Anthony Bourdain: